Busting Myths Related To Fertility

Physeek Fit
4 min readSep 7, 2022


The topic of fertility is a complex and sensitive one. People frequently get confused about what they should do and whom they should trust since there is so much false information out there concerning fertility. Let’s dispel some of the most widespread misconceptions about conception and learn genuine facts related to this crucial area of reproductive health.

MYTH: Females typically experience infertility.

TRUTH: Male factor infertility makes up roughly for one-third of the infertility cases, proving that infertility isn’t only a “female problem”. Another third of cases of infertility is caused by female factors while the other third is caused by a mix of male and female factors. As part of a thorough fertility evaluation with a fertility specialist, it is crucial to discuss and evaluate male fertility difficulties.

MYTH: Infertility is rare.

TRUTH: Contrary to popular belief, infertility is significantly more prevalent. One in eight couples struggles with infertility. According to the statistics, there are 6.7 million infertile women in the United States. Miscarriages happen to one in four women at some point of time in their lives. If you miscarry more than once, this can be a sign that you need to look into professional reproductive therapy alternatives. Please be aware that there are expert treatment alternatives if you have fertility problems.

MYTH: As long as you are in good health, age has no bearing on fertility.

TRUTH: The most crucial element affecting your fertility is your age. With age, eggs too get older and become less healthy thereby reducing a woman’s chance to conceive successfully. After the age of 35, the quality of eggs and subsequently, reproductive potential start to decline significantly faster. Although it’s vital to keep your overall health in check as it can increase your chances of having a healthy pregnancy, being healthy does not guarantee that you are fertile.

MYTH : Getting regular periods indicates that you are fertile.

TRUTH: There is no guarantee that every cycle will result in ovulation or the release of an egg. Additionally, a regular cycle is not related to egg quality or ovarian reserve, a measurement of how many eggs are still in your ovaries. The most significant indicator of your fertility is ultimately your age, not the regularity of your menstrual cycle.

MYTH: Contraceptives safeguard your fertility.

TRUTH: It is untrue that using birth control tablets for many years or extended periods of time can magically save all of your eggs for pregnancy. You continue to lose eggs each month whether you use birth control pills or any other method of contraception or don’t get your period at all. This is why making a plan for your future fertility is so important. Consider freezing your eggs if you know you want children but are not yet ready to start a family. To increase your chances of success in future, take action while you are still young.

MYTH: Men lack a biological clock.

TRUTH: One of the biggest misunderstandings concerning fertility is that some men can father children at later stages of their lives. In actuality, the pace at which infertility declines with age varies between men and women. While male fertility diminishes later on in life, often around the age of 50, female fertility starts to decline in a woman’s late 20s and early 30s. Although men constantly produce sperm in contrast to women who have the maximum eggs when they are born, their fertile days are not limitless. Even as they produce sperm as they age, the sperm concentration and quality do decline.

MYTH: It’s simple to get pregnant again after having a child.

TRUTH: One healthy pregnancy does not imply that you will never have trouble getting pregnant naturally again. In fact after having their first kid, more than three million Americans have had difficulty getting pregnant again. There might be a number of factors preventing you from having many pregnancies during your life. These include, but are not limited to, hormonal changes, advanced age, scars or trauma from a prior pregnancy or delivery and all the typical reasons of primary infertility.

MYTH: Smoking has no effect on conceiving.

TRUTH: Smoking always has varied effects on the human body and a number of important implications on both male and female partners’ fertility. It causes women’s ovarian reserves to deplete more quickly, decreases the chances of becoming pregnant and reduces the effectiveness of fertility treatments. So, if you’re trying to get pregnant, this is one lifestyle adjustment to think about.

MYTH: IVF is usually successful.

TRUTH: The first IVF misconception is that the process is always successful. Unfortunately, IVF doesn’t always succeed despite being a very effective method that can greatly boost one’s chances of conceiving. The most significant of these is the woman’s age, which affects the success rate of IVF the most. It’s a frequent myth that women can continue trying naturally until they are 40 and if unsuccessful, switch to IVF. The reality is that getting pregnant gets considerably harder as women age, even with methods like IVF. For this reason, we support early referral to a fertility specialist who can evaluate your choices and assist you to determine your reproductive status. The younger you are when you undergo the IVF cycle, the greater are your chances of success. Unfortunately, IVF isn’t always successful for certain people regardless of the procedure employed or the amount of medication given.

Rayyan is a 2nd year undergrad pursuing MBBS from HBTMC, Mumbai. He is an avid writer and almost always finds himself on the other side of the screen typing away or tweeting. Deeply passionate about football, academia, medicine and teaching, not necessarily in the same order.



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